Hot & Cold Therapy
Hot & Cold therapy is used to reduce swelling, as temporary pain relief, to relax muscles and ultimately, to increase range-of-motion and circulation. (paraffin therapy, topical pain relief, hot packs, combo hot/cold packs, cold packs therapy, cold massagers, cold compression, heat lamps, Diathermy, Dry/Heat Therapy

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Ossur Cold Rush w/ Rectangular Pad, Small

The Cold Rush¨ cold therapy unit provides consistent cooling and excellent compression. Its durable motor is similar to one you would find in a larger device like an air conditioner...

Ossur Cold Rush w/ Foot and Ankle Pad

The Cold Rush¨ cold therapy unit provides consistent cooling and excellent compression. Its durable motor is similar to one you would find in a larger device like an air conditioner...

Ossur Cold Rush w/ Shoulder Pad, Large

The Cold Rush¨ cold therapy unit provides consistent cooling and excellent compression. Its durable motor is similar to one you would find in a larger device like an air conditioner...

Ossur Cold Rush w/ Shoulder Pad, Small

The Cold Rush¨ cold therapy unit provides consistent cooling and excellent compression. Its durable motor is similar to one you would find in a larger device like an air conditioner...

Ossur Cold Rush w/ Hip Pad, Right

The Cold Rush¨ cold therapy unit provides consistent cooling and excellent compression. Its durable motor is similar to one you would find in a larger device like an air conditioner...

Ossur Cold Rush w/ Hip Pad, Left

The Cold Rush¨ cold therapy unit provides consistent cooling and excellent compression. Its durable motor is similar to one you would find in a larger device like an air conditioner...

Ossur Cold Rush w/ Universal Pad

The Cold Rush¨ cold therapy unit provides consistent cooling and excellent compression. Its durable motor is similar to one you would find in a larger device like an air conditioner...

Ossur Cold Rush w/ Knee Pad

The Cold Rush¨ cold therapy unit provides consistent cooling and excellent compression. Its durable motor is similar to one you would find in a larger device like an air conditioner...
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