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Manipulation and Dexterity Test - Purdue Pegboard Accessory - 25 collars, 45 washers and 55 pins

Manipulation and Dexterity Test - Purdue Pegboard Accessory - 25 collars, 45 washers and 55 pins: This is a set of accessories to be used with the Purdue Pegboard Standardized...

Manipulation and Dexterity Test - Purdue Pegboard

The Purdue Pegboard Test was originally developed in the 1940s as a test of manipulative dexterity. Now it is the industry standard in measuring the gross movements of hands (hand...

Manipulation and Dexterity Test - Hand-Tool

Hand tool dexterity test to measures hand, arm and finger dexterity and speed. The test has two parts: sorting and assembling. Complete with instructional manual, norms and record blanks. Dimensions: 16"...

Manipulation and Dexterity Test - Pipe Tree

Pipe tree exerciser for bilateral coordination, problem solving. Includes 31 pieces of ½" PVC pipe. The cover incorporates a set-in PVC pipe and is used as a base of construction;...
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